


In depth Workshop for consideration

Hello friends,

* To further prepare for handling the potential market fluctuation better, an in-depth workshop is designed. 

* Target audience are friends taken the Tracking Down the Market 2016/2017/2018. 

* We plan to spend much time in the workshop to go through the more than 300-years history of global markets. We believe that this is important/effective to help the participants acquiring the edge of "History Repeats". By reinforcing our beliefs we aim at following/ reacting to the markets better. Forecasting is not our focus. 

* We believe the intensive workshop knowledge will not only help traders speculating with future/options but also friends who own MPF and long-term investing blue chips. 

* Protecting our wealth and buying power in a crisis is vital and is suggested to be bear in mind. 

* We believe in "Cycles", "History Repeats" and "Behavioral Finance". 

* All the workshop sharing are based on backtesting, statistics, mathematics, probability, logical thinking and experience. 

* There are NO buy sell advice to the participants of the workshop. 

For any enquiry, please feel free to share. 


深化應用 Tracking down the Market 工作坊的技巧. 用以宏觀分析硏判, 學員參考

可作幫助以下範圍 Positional Trading,  Swing Trading, MPF, Stocks, Future, Option Trading.

工作坊示範:環球指數, 商品期貨, 美國股票, 香港股票


工作坊日期:05 Aug 2018, 星期日

工作坊時間:09:00-13:00, 14:30-18:30 (如Q&A討論熱烈, 工作坊會延伸至晚上20:00)

工作坊地點:: 荃灣

工作坊對象 : 曾完成 Tracking Down the Market 工作坊的會員

工作坊費用: $ 2500

~遲非遲, 早非早的概念

~簡單指導使用 Tradingview 軟件作圖表分析硏判





歷史重覆, 鑑古知今

~回顧過去100年 Dow Jones Index 的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去47年 HSI 的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去46年 S&P 指數的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去33年 日經指數的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去27年 上証綜合指數的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去23年 恒生中國企業指數的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去22年 黃金期貨(GC)的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去22年  WTI輕質原油期貨(CL)的牛熊交替, 從中學習

~回顧過去20年一籃子代表性股票的升跌交替, 從中學習

~時光倒流, 以工作坊內一起回顧超過300年的結果一起即場作統計, 眼見為實

~一個頗機械的PT 技巧


~嚴選Cup and Handle Pattern, 融入幾何, ibin 和 PPTV

~兩個 Board Market Indicators for HSI, 提供可能的預警

~SOP (Standard Of Procedures)



 ~由於各人所選擇的交易長短不一, SOP 可作為各人自行參考

* 工作坊技巧包含 - Symmetry, Geometry, Ratio, Fibonacci (as complementary tool only, not as a core skill), Chart Pattern 

* 工作坊沒有使用- MACD, RSI, STC, Bollinger Bands, ROC, Gann 1x1, astrology, Elliott Wave

For those who are interest in, please feel free to send email to yamgroup2014@yahoo.com.sg for registration 

Yam Group Gann Research 

