If we are really aware of 2021~ 2022 status , we are able to project that using very simple trend line
Treat that as a bull trend ~ As we may saw that 2 big big corner has been already formed / seen thru the red line with 2 green arrows , target towards 404 @ year 2021
Treat that as a bear trend ~ blue line would bring the index down to 4000 points if cases go bad
As a 好友 , market must hold above 257 to complete the yearly bar , then uphold strength will still hold the index heading north to 404 on 2021
But as a 淡友 , 257 - 260 should be a significant places where Battle of Napoleon bonaparte should be defeated
It's just a Game play by Masons global affair dept , never have any relationship or co relation with world trade conflicts , bond or interest rate or any kind of things you saw or listen from X-bird thru TV !!
Again ! Trade what U see , never listen to others ....thats me !! haha