



Just a friendly reminder to avoid confusion.

As mentioned in the blog, there are two seminars being organized for different topics .

1- Trader's seminar is for experience sharing. The fee is $98 for a seat. With all administration cost deducted, the fee will be donated to the charity. The date and venue of this seminar has not been confirmed yet.

2- Astrospeed seminar on 2015-Sep-12 is a free event for introduction of using speed line approach in daytrading futures. With more understanding, the audience can consider if speedline subscription program to be launched fits them or not. 

就如前面既公告一樣 ,   Astrospeed seminar   分開 3 個階段 ,  成功過到關 , 證明到你可以 handle 到壓力 / 技巧 / 倉位既朋友 , 可以   [  與 Yam Group  為伴 ]    幫手  Trade  我既 Charity pool  ,  暫定一球 ( One Million )   開始

之後會發展成一個  12 人  ( 將來可能是 144 人 )  之 trading Team  ,   研究由 Yam Group 做 , 你地負責睇倉同執行

我知既野 , 比我做到既野多 , 所以要搵   [ 幫手 ]  , 我亦想締造我既全球做市計劃 , 如果你真係想有資深 trader  帶住 , 去認識炒作世界 , 又以呢行為終身識業的話  , 你可以考慮自己能否升任  

非誠勿擾 .....睇野既人唔需要來了 ,  我要既係做到野既人

Thanks and have a nice weekend.

Yam Group Gann Research
Yam Chief

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