Now finally , u know what actually Drive the market
Not economic data ... Not financial news ... Not Company reports or 名家's forecast !
Its awesome right ........
Whoo .....今晚龍紀文出現了 , 佢同慳妹都係食左支美白針 , 咁多年都唔變樣既 ? 藍色洗潔精就變左傻婆......個世界.....太有趣啦
Yam Yam,
回覆刪除坊間有冇 地平空間占星學(Local Space Astrology) 中文書?
搵好耐都唔覺有。 有好介紹嗎?
If u really want me to answer this question seriously , I would say ......don't spend too much time to find some [ rare ] technics and forgot those lengendary one ...............LSC is somehow in between ACG and Vertex system , but I really don't know how many people know how to use that ..........not even write a book in chinese ............sorry ..........
刪除I always stick to [ 大道 ] only .............: )
刪除LSC 同ACG 係咪差唔多? 真係一本中文書都冇? =(
唔係少人識......係冇人用...........你在網上搵下 comment 啦.............貼士 : 紫微斗數其實就係 LSC ..........我話既..........
刪除流日流時盤咪係........LSA 囉.............
刪除Thz Yam Yam,
刪除再上網搵下先 =)