




何必拗呢 , 市場自有佢既發展模式 , 睇下邊便大力 D 啦 , 同埋隻 deer 最後死响邊個手上啦........


1) 香港美其名係一個富裕社會 , 為何仍然有人會因為買唔起暖爐 / 唔想俾 / 慳電費而冷 / 捽死 ..明早可能低過 " 雞嗚 9 度 " 了

2) 如果人係唔駛食飯的話 , 就唔使有咁多煩惱了

3)  今晚明珠 Valentine special 做邊套戲 ?

頭兩個問題好難答 , 不過在這種天氣 , 你最好搵時間打個電話問候下你雙親啦 , 話晒都係佢生你出呢..... 總好過入呢呢個 Blog 問候我啦  ( 仲要扮到好似係同我 one night stand  後被我棄置既失落孤兒咁 )

最後....而家做緊  Four weddings and one funeral ....都幾好睇架....Hugh Grant ...曾經令到我地在中學時都想扮佢架..


2 則留言:

  1. Haha, my fortcast is the same~! So I bought a Put today, with stop loss of course :D

    It's my viewpoint that when everyone has been talking abt to "refill" the gap, some may have forgotten that it can be a resistance level in the middle of a gap.

    Also, this current reaction (low on 5/Feb to the high today - 1153 pts in 8 calendar days), Price has already overbalanced Time in comparison with previous 3 reactions. I expect a correction to come. Afterall, it's only my poor opinions :P

    Forget about the pretended 1 night stand, its saying is like we all have no brain to analyse what we see, and It is the smartest one in the world. Really can't help....

    What we all should do? - as the old saying: trade what we see! ;)

  2. William
    build up yr own plan with what u see is the most practical way to be a successful trader , never listen to news or others ..........that's the god damn true which I have gone thru from all these years

    Happy Trading
